Development Lotteries Board



Sales Agents' Meeting for Galle, Matara, and Hambantota Districts - 2024.12.08


Sales Agents' Meeting for Galle, Matara, and Hambantota Districts - 2024.12.08

A special meeting for sales agents was successfully held on December 8, 2024, at the Grand Navro Hotel in Matara. This gathering was dedicated to honoring the sales agents who have been the backbone of the Development Lotteries Board for over four decades.


Kapruka Lottery's "Nattal Wasi" special lottery ticket is released!


Kapruka Lottery's

The Kapruka Lottery's "Kapruka Nattal Wasi" special lottery tickets of Kapruka Lottery, which draw daily prizes in the lottery market, were conducted on 06.12.2024 under the leadership of Mr. Anura Jayaratne, General Manager of the Development Lotteries ...

The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 41 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.


The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 41 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.

On November 26, 2024, the Development Lotteries Board conducted a cheque distribution event for numerous winners at its head office. The event was led by Mr. Anura Jayaratne, the General Manager of the Development Lotteries Board, and attended by the management team. The Development Lotteries Boa...

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