Development Lotteries Board has decided to held the draw of Lagna Wasana lottery all over the week from 01 August 2019.
However the lotteries issued so far to the market remain further unchanged. In the meantime now you can buy the Laggna Wasana lottery issued on Saturdays in blue color and Lagna Wasana lottery on Monday in yellow color.
Further special daily draw has been planned by DLB under the name Double Chance of Lagna Wasana all over the month of August. This offers you 1000 prizes of Rs. 100 and 250 prizes of Rs. 250.
On 31st of August Special Draw of Lagna Wasana will be held under the title 'Supiri Dhana Yogaya'. In addition to the above now you have the chance to try your luck to be the owner of a Vego motor car and 15 prizes of Rs. 100,000.
Don't hesitate to purchase Lagna Wasana lottery, which makes you the way to be a lucky winner.
DLB witnessed the moment on 24.01.2020, where the cheques were awarded to the winners at the auditorium, who won awards of more than million rupees each, out of the winners presented by DLB during previous two months.
At this occasion the winning cheque for the super jackpot of Rs. 4,306,...
Development Lotteries Board, which brings the dawn to the doorstep of the people of the country, celebrates its 37th anniversary on 19th January this year. DLB, which was established on 19 January 1983 with great expectations to uplift the lives of the Sri Lankans, has come ...
Another event for awarding prizes by DLB, the fortune maker of the people, was held at the auditorium on 30.12.2019 at Development lotteries Board.
At this occasion, the winning cheque was awarded to Mr. A.R.Ekanayake from Weligatta, w...