Development Lotteries Board


Training for the second batch to improve their skills in presentation


Training for the second batch to improve their skills in presentation

Arrangements have been made to conduct five-day work shop for the presenters of the lottery draw programmes of DLB and it was successfully concluded recently.

This workshop was organized as a programme for two batches with the participation of all presenters and accordingly the workshop for the second batch, which consisted of 15 participants, was held from 13 to 17 September 2019.

 The first batch completed their workshop in last August.

The workshop was conducted at Abhina Yogashrama, Bellanwila under the guidance of veteran actress Anoja Weerasingha.

Main objective of this workshop is to land a helping hand to the presenters working with Development Lotteries Board to enhance their skills in announcing and presenting.

Mr. M.R.H.Swarnathilake assumed the position of chairman / Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board on September 26, 2024.


Mr. M.R.H.Swarnathilake assumed the position of chairman / Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board on September 26, 2024.

Mr. M.R.H.Swarnathilake assumed the position of chairman / Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board on September 26, 2024.


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The cheques will be presented to the 31 other fortunate winners by the Development Lotteries Board!

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