DLB, which looks forward bringing luck to your life, is an institution lends its and without hesitation for the enhancement of religious, cultural and educational backgrounds of the country.
Therefore Mr. Sena Suriyapperuma, Chairman of the DLB offered the cheque to the value of Rs. 1000,000 to Mr. Dilruwan Rajapaksha, Basnayaka Nilame of Ruhunu Maha Katharagama Devala, marking contribution of DLB for such important events.
DLB has proved again that it is committed always for the enhancement of the country.
Another phase of the programme ‘Let’s stand together for the country’ implemented as per the concept of H.E. the President, has been held at the Public Ground at Divulapitiya on 05th August. At this occasion a tricycle was granted to a differently abled Sales Assistan...
The third health camp of the series of such camps organized by DLB free of charge for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants was held on 14.08.2019 at Gampaha District.
This camp provided medicine free of charge conducting various medical tests with a view to ensure a healthy li...