Mrs. P.V. Warnaseele, residing at Ambalantota, has won Super Vigo motor car, the first prize of the special draw of Lagna Wasana 'Supiri Dhana Yogaya'. The winning ticket has been sold to her by Mrs. H.R.Chandani, Sales Agent, Hambantota.
Mrs.Waranaseele was awarded the motor car at an event held at DLB on 04.12.2019.
In addition 26 winners, who won cash prizes of one million, were also awarded their cheques.
Mr.Dulip Silva , Acting Chairman, Mr.Anura Jayarathna,General Mananger, Mr. Chanaka Dodangoda, Deputy General Manager ( Marketing) and the officers of DLB have participated in the event.
Another phase of the programme ‘Let’s stand together for the country’ implemented as per the concept of H.E. the President, has been held at the Public Ground at Divulapitiya on 05th August. At this occasion a tricycle was granted to a differently abled Sales Assistan...
The third health camp of the series of such camps organized by DLB free of charge for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants was held on 14.08.2019 at Gampaha District.
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