Development Lotteries Board


The cheque is awarded to super winner of Kotipathi Kapruka lottery


The cheque is awarded to super winner of Kotipathi Kapruka lottery

The cheque was awarded to the super winner of Kotipathi Kapruka lottery of Development Lotteries Board on 05.02.2020 at the studio of Rupavahini Corporation, where the lottery draw was conducted.

At this event the cheque to the value of Rs. 8 65 70 84  of the super jackpot of 550th draw of Kotipathi Kapruka was awarded to Mr. W.A.Gunathilaka from Anuradhapura by Mr. Chanaka Dodangoda, Deputy General Manager (Marketing) of the Development Lotteries Board.

In the meantime a cheque along with a certificate were awarded also to Mr. K.Jayantha Kumara, Sales Agent of Anuradhapura, who sold the winning lottery ticket.

Further the cheque was awarded to Mr. G.G.Rathnaayake from Gampola, who won the jackpot of Rs. 1000000 from the 855th draw of Ada Kotipathi lottery, at the same event.

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Sanwardhana Abhiman 2022 Moneragala District dealer Meeting

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