DLB today (30.06.2020) witnessed the awarding of Baleno motor car, which is the first prize of the special draw of ‘Supiri Dhana Yoga’ of Lagna Wasana to Mr. D.M.A.Nawaratna from Mawanella and the event for awarding this vehicle of which the value is Rs. 47,25,000.00 took place at the auditorium of DLB.
The lucky ticket has been sold to Mr. Nawaratna by Mr. H.V.D.I.Unambuwa, Sales Agent of Mawanella.
Mr. Jagath P. , Chairman of DLB, awarded the key of the car to the winner and Mr. Anura Jayaratna, General Manager and Mr. Sunil Jayaratna,Assistant General Manager, have participated in the event.
Mr.Anusha Palpita, Chairman, Development Lotteries Board handed over the two super jackpot winners of Lagna Wasanwa on 01.11.2021 at Development lotteries premises.
At this occasion, the winning cheque was awarded to Mrs. B.Lurdas from Hatton, who won the super jackpot of Rs. 2,588,...
Mr.Anusha Palpita, Chairman, Development Lotteries Board handed over the Winning Cheque to Mr.R.H.R.I.P.Ranasinghe from Walahanduwa, who won the large super jackpot of Rs. 14,496,528/- of 451st draw of Development Fortune lottery at Development Lotteries Bo...