DLB today (30.06.2020) witnessed the awarding of Baleno motor car, which is the first prize of the special draw of ‘Supiri Dhana Yoga’ of Lagna Wasana to Mr. D.M.A.Nawaratna from Mawanella and the event for awarding this vehicle of which the value is Rs. 47,25,000.00 took place at the auditorium of DLB.
The lucky ticket has been sold to Mr. Nawaratna by Mr. H.V.D.I.Unambuwa, Sales Agent of Mawanella.
Mr. Jagath P. , Chairman of DLB, awarded the key of the car to the winner and Mr. Anura Jayaratna, General Manager and Mr. Sunil Jayaratna,Assistant General Manager, have participated in the event.
Sanwardhana Abhiman 2022 Moneragala District dealer Meeting was held on 12th March 2022 at Moneragala City Hotel.The Hon.Shashindra Rajapaksa, State Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Vijitha Verugoda, State Minister of Education, Mayors, Chairmen of Pradeshiya Sabhas, Mr. Ajith Gunaratne Naragala, Cha...