The cheque to the value of Rs. 8,32,29,285/- , the super jackpot of the 587th draw of Kotipathi Kapruka was presented to Mrs. P.M.N.K.Navarathna from Wattala.
Mr. S.Rodrigo , Sales Agent of Hendala, has sold the winning ticket.
The Development Lotteries Board has announced the exciting "Ada Wishesha Kotipathi" Ada Kotipathi ticket, released to the market on November 5, 2024. This special lottery was launched under the leadership of Mr.M.R.Hemantha Swarnathilake, Honorary Chairman a...
On October 29, 2024, the Development Lotteries Board, known for its commitment to supporting its sales network, provided a tricycle to a physically challenged sales assistant. This gesture was carried out by Mr. M.R. Hemantha Swarnathilake, the Honorary Chairman ...
The new lottery sales booth, "Wasana Mandiraya," equipped with modern facilities for the convenience of customers, was officially opened on October 29, 2024. The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Hemantha Swarnathilake, Honorary Chairman and CEO of the Development...