Development Lotteries Board


Winning cheques from Development Lotteries Board to the Super Winners of Lagna Wasana


Winning cheques from Development Lotteries Board to the Super Winners of Lagna Wasana

Mr.Anusha Palpita, Chairman, Development Lotteries Board handed over the two super jackpot winners of Lagna Wasanwa on 01.11.2021 at Development lotteries premises. 

At this occasion, the winning cheque was awarded to Mrs. B.Lurdas from Hatton, who won the super jackpot of Rs. 2,588,023/- of the 3249th draw of Lagna Wasana.  Winning ticket has been sold to the winner by  Mr.B.A.P.K.Perera, Sales Agent of Hatton.

And another winning cheque was awarded to Mr..A.A.P.Malshan who won the super jackpot of Rs.2,149,903/- of the 3244th draw of Lagna Wasanawa. The winning lottery was sold by Mr.D.J.Jayawardhana ,Sales Agent of Moronthuduwa.

We are happy to announce that the KAPRUKA LOTTERY has been able to award the biggest jackpot in the history of Sri Lankan history.


We are happy to announce that the KAPRUKA LOTTERY has been able to award the biggest jackpot in the history of Sri Lankan history.

The Kapruka Lottery starts with an initial jackpot of LKR. 7.5 million and a lucky winner from Ratnapura has won the final jackpot of LKR. 145,029,213.00 in the 513th draw of 27.10.2019.

This winning lottery ticket has b...

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