Development Lotteries Board


Super Jackpot winner of Development Fortune received winning cheque from DLB


Super Jackpot winner of Development Fortune received winning cheque from DLB

Mr.Anusha Palpita, Chairman, Development Lotteries Board handed over the Winning Cheque to Mr.R.H.R.I.P.Ranasinghe from Walahanduwa, who won the large super jackpot of Rs. 14,496,528/- of 451st draw of Development Fortune lottery at Development Lotteries Board on 01.11.2021.

Winning ticket has been sold to the winner by Mr.P.Ramawickckrama, Sales Agent of Waduramba.

DLB presents one pound gold coins to its staff, who complete twenty years service


DLB presents one pound gold coins to its staff, who complete twenty years service

DLB presented one pound gold coins to its staff at the auditorium on 28.08.2019 , who complete the service of twenty years under its roof, in appreciation of their commendable service.

46 winners along with 3 super winners receive their prizes from DLB


46 winners along with 3 super winners  receive their prizes from DLB

DLB witnessed the awarding of cheques to 49 winners of lottery draws on 20.08.2019, who believed in their luck with the lotteries of DLB.

At this event 3 super winners of Lagna Wasana lottery, who became winners  within a mont...

Fourth medical camp for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants of Kurunegala District.


Fourth medical camp for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants of Kurunegala District.

Fourth medical camp of the series of such camps organized by DLB for the provision of medical facilities free of charge to Sales Agents and Sales Assistants was held successfully in Kurunegala district on 25. 08.2019.

Medical tests...

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