The 'Kapruka' Lottery launched on December 2, 2021 with a super prize of Rs.120 million and a very attractive new prize pattern.The Development Lotteries Board has decided to launch the Kotipathi Kapruka lottery ticket with a new look , which has been attracting customers for many years.
The draw for the "Kapruka" Special Lottery will be held on December 30, 2021, and from December 31, the “Kapruka” Lottery will be available for seven days as a regular lottery ticket. Accordingly, in addition to the Ada Kotipathi, Lagna Vasanawa, Shanida and Super Ball lotteries, which are currently being drawn 7 days a week, the new "Kapruka" will also bring you daily luck.
In addition to the four winning numbers and the English Letter, a super number will also be selected and by matching all of them there is a chance to win the Super Jackpot which starts at Rs.120 million.“Kotipathi Jayamalla” can be won by matching the number four and the English letter on the new "Kapruka" lottery ticket with an attractive other prize pattern.
Kapruka customers will also have the opportunity to win a “Miliyanapathi Jayamalla” by matching the four numbers and the super number. It is possible to win Rs. 1 million for any 04 numbers, Rs. 100,000 for any 3 numbers and the English Letter. Another prize of Rs. 2,000, Rs. 1,000, Rs. 100 and Rs. 20 is available.
Try your luck at the "Kapruka" Lottery, which will renew the history of the lottery and bring you the coveted other prizes with a huge super win.
DLB, which looks forward bringing luck to your life, is an institution lends its and without hesitation for the enhancement of religious, cultural and educational backgrounds of the country.
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In addition to the above winne...
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