Development Lotteries Board


DLB Sweep App and Sasiri Digital Lottery wins awards at NBQSA 2021


DLB Sweep App and Sasiri Digital Lottery wins awards at NBQSA 2021

The DLB Sweep App which has been introduced by Development Lotteries Board applying modern technology and stepping beyond the traditional lottery style has won a Silver award under  Retail and Distribution in Consumer Category " at National ICT Awards , NBQSA 2021. In the meantime the DLB Sweep App has been recommended for Best Digitalization Process Enabler and it is another achievement of DLB.

Sasiri lottery, the first digital lottery of South Asia , which has been introduced by Development Lotteries Board in line with digital technology, has won a merit award under In House Category in the same ceremony.

Mr. Ajith Gunarathna Naragala, Chairman of DLB, Mr. Madura Harshana, Assistant General manager ( Information Technology), Dr. Asankhaa Gunasinghe, Assistant General Manager ( Marketing)  and Mr. Umesh Ileperuma, System Analyst have graced this occasion representing DLB

Niyatha Jaya Lottery is removed from the market with the revision of days of the draw


Niyatha Jaya Lottery is removed from the market with the revision of days of the draw

DLB has taken action to remove Niyatha Jaya lottery ticket from 30 July 2019 , of which the draw was held on Tuesday and Friday of every week. Accordingly last draw of the lottery was held on 30 July 2019 and the super jackpot, which was not won, will be added to the super jackpot of Sanwardana W...

Lagna Wasana, draws are now on every day of the week


Lagna Wasana, draws are now on every day of the week

Development Lotteries Board has decided to held the draw of Lagna Wasana lottery all over the week from 01 August 2019.

However the lotteries issued so far to the market remain further unchanged. In the meantime now you can buy the...

Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka

DLB has decided to introduce the existing lottery of Kotipathi Shanida, very popular lottery in the market, in a new face as Kotipathi kapruka. Accordingly the new lottery ticket will be issued to the market on  02nd August.


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