Development Lotteries Board


‘Power play’ Special draw of Kapruka lottery on 29 September , the lottery which brings the giant jackpot in lottery industry


‘Power play’ Special draw of Kapruka lottery on 29 September , the lottery which brings the giant jackpot in lottery industry

Special draw of Kapruka lottery, which makes your dreams a reality bringing luck to your life with the largest jackpot in the lottery market, is scheduled to be held on 29 September.

The lottery for this special draw, which was introduced in the name of Power Play, was issued to the market on 01.09.2022 with the participation of the management of the DLB.

The ticket issued for this special draw bears two rows of special numbers with 05 digits and the opportunity is open for the customers to win a cash prize of Rs. 100,000 matching the first special number and a large number of cash prizes of Rs. 10,000 matching the second number.

Further the normal prize schedule is also applied without any change. DLB cordially invites you to try your luck and make the life a happy journey fulfilling your dreams.

Niyatha Jaya Lottery is removed from the market with the revision of days of the draw


Niyatha Jaya Lottery is removed from the market with the revision of days of the draw

DLB has taken action to remove Niyatha Jaya lottery ticket from 30 July 2019 , of which the draw was held on Tuesday and Friday of every week. Accordingly last draw of the lottery was held on 30 July 2019 and the super jackpot, which was not won, will be added to the super jackpot of Sanwardana W...

Lagna Wasana, draws are now on every day of the week


Lagna Wasana, draws are now on every day of the week

Development Lotteries Board has decided to held the draw of Lagna Wasana lottery all over the week from 01 August 2019.

However the lotteries issued so far to the market remain further unchanged. In the meantime now you can buy the...

Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka

DLB has decided to introduce the existing lottery of Kotipathi Shanida, very popular lottery in the market, in a new face as Kotipathi kapruka. Accordingly the new lottery ticket will be issued to the market on  02nd August.


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