Which was graced with the participation of Development Lotteries Board Chairman / Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ajith Gunaratne Naragala, Jaffna Chief Inspector of Police Mr. Anura Priyantha, Chief Revenue Inspector of Jaffna Municipal Council Mr. Ravikanth, Assistant General Manager (Sales) Mr. Sunil Jayaratne, Assistant General Manager (Sales) Mr. Chinthaka Ailapperuma, Territory Manager I.D.P. Mr. Kumarasiri and Area Sales Promotion Assistant Mr. M.Thavakokulan.
With a view to offer you more winning chances, DLB has decided to organize a special draw of Super Ball, your favorite lottery, which brings luck to your life.
Accordingly DLB has made arrangements to conduct the draw of this special l...
Mrs. P.V. Warnaseele, residing at Ambalantota, has won Super Vigo motor car, the first prize of the special draw of Lagna Wasana 'Supiri Dhana Yogaya'. The winning ticket has been sold to her by Mrs. H.R.Chandani, Sales Agent, Hambantota.