The Development Lotteries Board achieves its highest-ever profit in 2023! Makes record-breaking contributions of Rs.3.6 billion to the President’s Fund and Rs.5.1 billion to the government.
The Development Lotteries Board has contributed its highest-ever profit of Rs.3.6 billion to the President’s Fund. The cheque was presented today to Hon. President Ranil Wickremesinghe by the Chairman and CEO of the Development Lotteries Board, Ajith Gunaratne Naragala.
Cheques were awarded to Mr. S.G.Hemathilaka from Orubendisiyambawa, who won the super jackpot of Rs. 88,542,040 of 728th draw of Ada Kotipathi lottery and six other super winners of Lagna Wasana lottery in August at Development Lotteries Board on 18.09.2019.
In addition to the above winne...
The 5th medical camp of the series of “DLB Sathkara” medical camps organized by DLB free of charge for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants was held on 13.09.2019 at Kandy District.
This camp provided...
‘Abhimani’,which is the first programme in 2019 of the series of such programmes due to be conducted all over the Island to appreciate by DLB in order to appreciate the services of its Sales Agents , has been successfully conducted along with the distribution of sales outlets on 08.09...