Mr. M.R.H.Swarnathilake assumed the position of chairman / Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board on September 26, 2024.
DLB has taken action to remove Niyatha Jaya lottery ticket from 30 July 2019 , of which the draw was held on Tuesday and Friday of every week. Accordingly last draw of the lottery was held on 30 July 2019 and the super jackpot, which was not won, will be added to the super jackpot of Sanwardana W...
Development Lotteries Board has decided to held the draw of Lagna Wasana lottery all over the week from 01 August 2019.
However the lotteries issued so far to the market remain further unchanged. In the meantime now you can buy the...
DLB has decided to introduce the existing lottery of Kotipathi Shanida, very popular lottery in the market, in a new face as Kotipathi kapruka. Accordingly the new lottery ticket will be issued to the market on 02nd August.