Mr. M.R.H.Swarnathilake assumed the position of chairman / Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board on September 26, 2024.
Mrs. Janat Jayawardena, Attorney-at-Law, Director, Development Lotteries Board, handed over the cheque to Mr. M.A.W Surendra on 01.04.2021, who was the winner of the super jackpot of Rs.2,689,014 of the 3093th draw of Lagna Wasanawa.
Cheques were awarded on 30.03.2021 by Mr. Gamini Senarath, Secretary of Hon. Prime Minister to five super winners presented by Super Ball and Lagna Wasana lotteries of Development Lotteries Board.
Accordingly Mr. K.G.Roshan, from K...