Development Lotteries Board


Lottery sales are encouraged by the Development Lotteries Board...


Lottery sales are encouraged by the Development Lotteries Board...

On October 29, 2024, the Development Lotteries Board, known for its commitment to supporting its sales network, provided a tricycle to a physically challenged sales assistant. This gesture was carried out by Mr. M.R. Hemantha Swarnathilake, the Honorary Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board.

This tricycle, designed for effortless driving and optimal sales potential, was proudly presented to Mr. I.D Jayantha, the Maradana sales assistant for the esteemed sales representative Mr. K.G Kapilaratne.

Officials, including Mr. Anura Jayaratne, the Development Lotteries Board General Manager, and management participated in this event.

Commencing works for New Year 2023!


Commencing works for New Year 2023!

The Development Lotteries Board has started its duties officially with many hopes for the New Year 2023!

North Province "Valampuri" Promotion


North Province

Encouraging Dealer network and promoting Valampuri Lottery in Vavuniya District

Chairman of Development Lotteries Board Mr. Ajith Gunaratne Naragala, Assistant General Manager (Sales) Mr. Sunil Jayaratne, Assistant General Manager (Sales) Mr. Chinthaka Ailapperuma, Regional Manager Mr. I....

Valampuri, a special lottery in from Polruppawa to Thalruppawa


Valampuri, a special lottery in from Polruppawa to Thalruppawa

With a view to bring the luck to the door step of the customers of Development Lotteries Board living in Northern and Eastern provinces, DLB has taken measures to introduce a special lottery in the name of Valampuri.

We, the messenger of good luck to four corners of the country, ...

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