Development Lotteries Board


Kapruka Lottery's "Nattal Wasi" special lottery ticket is released!


Kapruka Lottery's

The Kapruka Lottery's "Kapruka Nattal Wasi" special lottery tickets of Kapruka Lottery, which draw daily prizes in the lottery market, were conducted on 06.12.2024 under the leadership of Mr. Anura Jayaratne, General Manager of the Development Lotteries Board and with the participation of the management at the Development Lotteries Board head office premises.

This special draw is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Through this special draw, the grand prize exceeding 55 million rupees, two jackpot prizes, a jackpot worth 2 million rupees, and additional prizes worth up to 200,000 rupees will be awarded. Moreover, matching the first special number consisting of six digits will win a valuable motorcycle, and matching the second special number consisting of six digits will award cash prizes of 50,000 rupees each to winners.

Win beyond your dreams with Sri Lanka's biggest grand prize! Try your luck with the Kapruka Lottery and grab the opportunity to win. Purchase more Kapruka Lottery tickets as well as the "Kapruka Nattal Wasi" lottery tickets to increase your chances of winning.

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