Development Lotteries Board


Kapruka Lottery's " Bakmaha Wasi " special lottery ticket is released.


Kapruka Lottery's

" Bakmaha Wasi" special lottery tickets of Kapruka Lottery, which draw daily prizes in the lottery market, were released on 21.03.2025 under the leadership of Mr. Hemantha Swarnathilake, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board, and with the participation of the management at the Development Lotteries Board head office premises.

This special draw is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, April 09, 2025. Through this "Bakmaha Wasi" special draw, in addition to the super jackpot and other prizes of the day, special draw will also allow you to win valuable motorbikes by matching the first special number, cash prizes worth Rs. 100,000/- by matching the second special number, and a number of prizes worth Rs. 50,000/- by matching the third special number, out of the 3 special numbers selected in the special draw.

Buy more Kapruka “Naththal Wasi ” lottery tickets and win more prizes.

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