Development Lotteries Board


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka

DLB has decided to introduce the existing lottery of Kotipathi Shanida, very popular lottery in the market, in a new face as Kotipathi kapruka. Accordingly the new lottery ticket will be issued to the market on  02nd August.

The super jackpot and other prizes of Kotipathi Shanioda have been included in the new draw without any change . Therefore now the path is open for you to try your luck on every Tuesday and Friday purchasing your kotipathi kapruka lottery ticket.

The Kotipathi Kapruka is issued  in Rose , Green and yellow colors on Tuesday, Fridays and Sundays respectively.

The name is new but the winning chances are the same. So join with us and try your luck.

Fourth medical camp for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants of Kurunegala District.


Fourth medical camp for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants of Kurunegala District.

Fourth medical camp of the series of such camps organized by DLB for the provision of medical facilities free of charge to Sales Agents and Sales Assistants was held successfully in Kurunegala district on 25. 08.2019.

Medical tests...

DLB conducts five days training workshope for the its presenters


DLB conducts five days training workshope for the its presenters

DLB has made arrangements to conduct five days training workshop for the benefit of the presenters of lottery draw programmes.

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H.E. the President presents a tricycle to a Sales Assistant of DLB


H.E. the President presents a tricycle to a Sales Assistant of DLB

Another phase of the programme ‘Let’s stand together for the country’ implemented as per the concept of H.E. the President, has been held at the Public Ground at Divulapitiya on 05th August. At this occasion a tricycle was granted to a differently abled Sales Assistan...

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