Development Lotteries Board


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka


Kotipathi Shanida comes to the market in the name of Kotipathi Kapruka

DLB has decided to introduce the existing lottery of Kotipathi Shanida, very popular lottery in the market, in a new face as Kotipathi kapruka. Accordingly the new lottery ticket will be issued to the market on  02nd August.

The super jackpot and other prizes of Kotipathi Shanioda have been included in the new draw without any change . Therefore now the path is open for you to try your luck on every Tuesday and Friday purchasing your kotipathi kapruka lottery ticket.

The Kotipathi Kapruka is issued  in Rose , Green and yellow colors on Tuesday, Fridays and Sundays respectively.

The name is new but the winning chances are the same. So join with us and try your luck.

8th medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.


8th  medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.

Another phase of the series of medical camps organized by DLB in the Name ‘DLB SATHKARA’ for the benefit of its Sales Agents and Sales Assistants has come to the end successfully.

 This camp was organized for the b...

We are happy to announce that the KAPRUKA LOTTERY has been able to award the biggest jackpot in the history of Sri Lankan history.


We are happy to announce that the KAPRUKA LOTTERY has been able to award the biggest jackpot in the history of Sri Lankan history.

The Kapruka Lottery starts with an initial jackpot of LKR. 7.5 million and a lucky winner from Ratnapura has won the final jackpot of LKR. 145,029,213.00 in the 513th draw of 27.10.2019.

This winning lottery ticket has b...

DLB Launched the “DLB Sweep App”


DLB Launched the “DLB Sweep App”

For over 30 years the Development Lotteries Board has enriched lives by giving birth to countless lucky millionaires.

Day-by-day, step-by-step the Development Lotteries Board has marched along a clear path towards success, shaping ...

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