Development Lotteries Board


8th medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.


8th  medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.

Another phase of the series of medical camps organized by DLB in the Name ‘DLB SATHKARA’ for the benefit of its Sales Agents and Sales Assistants has come to the end successfully.

 This camp was organized for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants in NuwaraEliya district and it marked the 8th event of the series.

It was held on 10 November and over 400 came to receive the service of the camp. During the medical camp, medical facilities were provided including spectacles and required medicines.

 Mr. Sena Suriyapperuma, Chairman of DLB, Mr. Upali Samankumara, Territory Manager of NuwaraEliya and Colombo Territory Manager of  Mr.C.C.Ailapperuma have participated in the event along with other guests.

The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 38 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.


The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 38 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.

On November 5, 2024, cheques were presented to 38 lucky lottery winners. The event took place under the leadership of Mr. Hemantha Swarnathilake, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board. Man...

The Adakotipathi Lottery has released a special lottery ticket called "Ada Wishesha Kotipathi" to the market


The Adakotipathi Lottery has released a special lottery ticket called

The Development Lotteries Board has announced the exciting "Ada Wishesha Kotipathi" Ada Kotipathi ticket, released to the market on November 5, 2024. This special lottery was launched under the leadership of Mr.M.R.Hemantha Swarnathilake, Honorary Chairman a...

Lottery sales are encouraged by the Development Lotteries Board...


Lottery sales are encouraged by the Development Lotteries Board...

On October 29, 2024, the Development Lotteries Board, known for its commitment to supporting its sales network, provided a tricycle to a physically challenged sales assistant. This gesture was carried out by Mr. M.R. Hemantha Swarnathilake, the Honorary Chairman ...

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