Development Lotteries Board


8th medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.


8th  medical camp of “DLB sathkara” at NuwaraEliya.

Another phase of the series of medical camps organized by DLB in the Name ‘DLB SATHKARA’ for the benefit of its Sales Agents and Sales Assistants has come to the end successfully.

 This camp was organized for the benefit of Sales Agents and Sales Assistants in NuwaraEliya district and it marked the 8th event of the series.

It was held on 10 November and over 400 came to receive the service of the camp. During the medical camp, medical facilities were provided including spectacles and required medicines.

 Mr. Sena Suriyapperuma, Chairman of DLB, Mr. Upali Samankumara, Territory Manager of NuwaraEliya and Colombo Territory Manager of  Mr.C.C.Ailapperuma have participated in the event along with other guests.

Prizes from Development Lotteries Board to the Super Winners of Lagna Wasana and 21 millionaires


Prizes from Development Lotteries Board to the Super Winners of Lagna Wasana and 21 millionaires

Another event for awarding prizes by DLB, the fortune maker of the people, was held at the auditorium on 30.12.2019 at Development lotteries Board.

At this occasion, the winning cheque was awarded to Mr. A.R.Ekanayake from Weligatta, w...

Draw of the special lottery of Super Ball “Super Chance” on 30th January


Draw of the special lottery of Super Ball “Super Chance” on 30th January

With a view to offer you more winning chances, DLB has decided to organize a special draw of Super Ball, your favorite lottery, which brings luck to your life.

Accordingly DLB has made arrangements to conduct the draw of this special l...

Super Vigo motor car, prize of the special draw of Lagna Wasana Supiri Dhana Yogaya goes to Ambalantota


Super Vigo motor car, prize of the special draw of Lagna Wasana Supiri Dhana Yogaya goes to Ambalantota

Mrs. P.V. Warnaseele, residing at Ambalantota, has won Super Vigo motor car, the first prize of the special draw of Lagna Wasana 'Supiri Dhana Yogaya'.  The winning ticket has been sold to her by Mrs. H.R.Chandani, Sales Agent, Hambantota.

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