Development Lotteries Board


DLB Dealer Meeting of the Puttalam concludes successfully


DLB Dealer Meeting of the Puttalam concludes successfully

The meeting of the Sales Agents of the Puttalam district, which is a part of the programme ‘ Sanwardana Abhiman’ organized by Development Lotteries Board with a view to encourage and motivate the sales network spread all over the Island, has been held successfully at Chilaw City Hotel on 17.01.2022. 

Hon. Sanath Nishantha, Minister and M.P for Puttalam district, Mr. Ajith Gunarathna Naragala, Chairman of DLB, Mr. Anura Jayarathna, General Manager and Chairmen of the Local Government Institutions of the district have participated in the occasion.

Main objective of this programme is to empower the network of Sales Agents of DLB to step forward with the DLB, which looks ahead in year 2022 with new vision and leadership. Therefore a discussion on the relevant market plans and strategies was conducted. Further the meeting was open for the views and suggestions of Sales Agents and Sales Distributors and prizes and certificates have also been awarded to the Sales Agents of Puttalam district in appreciation of their services to mark an excellent sale during year 2021.

Sales Agents' Meeting for Colombe Districts


Sales Agents' Meeting for Colombe Districts

Another program in the series of dealer meetings was successfully conducted and concluded for the sales agents of Colombo district on 08.03.2025 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute premises in Colombo.

The event, organized for discus...

The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 50 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.


The Development Lotteries Board produced more super winners, Cheques were given to 50 people including 25 lakhs, 20 lakhs, and 10 lakhs.

The Development Lottery Board, which brings you luck every day and brightens your life, presented cheques to 50 more winners recently created by the Development Lottery Board on 05.03.2025 under the patronage of Mr. Anura Jayaratne, General Manager of the Development ...

Sales Agents' Meeting for Anuradhapura,Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee Districts


Sales Agents' Meeting for Anuradhapura,Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee Districts

Another program in the series of dealer meetings was successfully conducted and concluded for the sales agents of Anuradhapura,Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee districts on 02.03.2025 at Athkandura Hotel premises in Habarana.

The event,...

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