Development Lotteries Board


DLB Sweep App and Sasiri Digital Lottery wins awards at NBQSA 2021


DLB Sweep App and Sasiri Digital Lottery wins awards at NBQSA 2021

The DLB Sweep App which has been introduced by Development Lotteries Board applying modern technology and stepping beyond the traditional lottery style has won a Silver award under  Retail and Distribution in Consumer Category " at National ICT Awards , NBQSA 2021. In the meantime the DLB Sweep App has been recommended for Best Digitalization Process Enabler and it is another achievement of DLB.

Sasiri lottery, the first digital lottery of South Asia , which has been introduced by Development Lotteries Board in line with digital technology, has won a merit award under In House Category in the same ceremony.

Mr. Ajith Gunarathna Naragala, Chairman of DLB, Mr. Madura Harshana, Assistant General manager ( Information Technology), Dr. Asankhaa Gunasinghe, Assistant General Manager ( Marketing)  and Mr. Umesh Ileperuma, System Analyst have graced this occasion representing DLB

Kapruka Lottery's " Bakmaha Wasi " special lottery ticket is released.


Kapruka Lottery's

" Bakmaha Wasi" special lottery tickets of Kapruka Lottery, which draw daily prizes in the lottery market, were released on 21.03.2025 under the leadership of Mr. Hemantha Swarnathilake, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Development Lotteries Board...

Sales Agents' Meeting for Badulla, Monaragala, Nuwara Eliya Districts


Sales Agents' Meeting for Badulla, Monaragala, Nuwara Eliya  Districts

Another program in the series of dealer meetings was successfully conducted and concluded for the sales agents of  Badulla, Monaragala and NuwaraEliya  districts on 13.03.2025 at Heritage Grand Hotel premises in Badulla.


Sales Agents' Meeting for Colombe Districts


Sales Agents' Meeting for Colombe Districts

Another program in the series of dealer meetings was successfully conducted and concluded for the sales agents of Colombo district on 08.03.2025 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute premises in Colombo.

The event, organized for discus...

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